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Sunday, January 10, 2016

Pastor Samuel Khawas Biography

I originally from Bhutan but after denial of Bhutanese Government to consider us as Bhutanese, we have to fled from Bhutan. It was 1991 when we came to Nepal after having awful punishment from Bhutanese police. My family and I live in Bank of river after we came from Bhutan. We are hopeless and have nothing to eat. Each day we have to struggle to live. In the other hand each five out of ten of my family members were seriously ill with many unexpected disease. I want to share that I was a Hindu priest and I had many disciple but then also I was not able to do anything to my children. Similarly, my only son had sizzling that time and passed away in the age of around one year. In our society son and daughter has different value and after losing our son we become hopeless because society people discriminate the mother who doesn't give birth to boy. But miracle takes place. One Christian Evangelist came to my house and said my son was not died and asked permission to pray for my son. I was thinking he was mad person because we were all crying from hours and about to start funeral activities. He asked again and again and finally I gave permission to pray. Eventually, my son rise from death and named from Bhawani to Lazarus. After that incident my believes in Christ has increase and start to follow Jesus by stopping my Hindus priest activities. Similarly, one by one all my family member was completely become free form every sickness. From that day we never have to face any kinds of sickness and my son is also become active leader at church. That's how I received Jesus in my life.   

I get baptized in trinity name after six month of being Christian. In every single day I got felling about his plan in my life as well as in my family life. After I completely realized he is only the way to reach heaven I always try to do something in his kingdom. In the beginning of Christian life I have lots of struggling period because our society didn't like Christian people. However I never give up and with the help of Pastor and Leaders I become stronger. I got chance to learned about almighty God from Pastor and very soon I become true and strong Christian along with my family. Till that time I understand his propose in my life, which is developing his kingdom. Before doing that Baptism is required in my life. So, I get baptized after understanding him and to work in his kingdom.  

AS I already let you know that we spent time in Bank of river. We spend almost seven month with crisis but I am very glad that I got chance to live there because that circumstance become my turning point of life and I accept Jesus as my savior. However, we got opportunity to live in refugee camp with the help of UNHCR and Red Cross Society. When we move to refugee camp we have very hard time to do fellowship and also become problem to tell people that we are Christian because we have to be out of society if they know us were Christian. However, we never give up and I start fellowship with seven people beside my family without letting people knowing about us. It was not easy moment when we start service in refugee camp because I was send to prism many time and had experience to getting trouble from people around us. Our life is not normal however; we never stop doing his service. We spent many time in prayer and day by day the number of our church member were growing up and at the end of first year we are almost two hundred. After realizing the necessary of church people start to comment me to be pastor and I had six month pastor training in the year 1992-1993 and I become pastor to fulfill the necessary to church and I have been serving as pastor till date. After that year I realized Jesus called me to develop his kingdom and after that year I become more active and telling about Jesus openly in our society and that make out church member’s population more than eight hundred as God planed.   

Since 1993, when I become Christian leader I have been sharing fact about Jesus to people and make them to understand about Jesus and if there is God plane than they accept Jesus in their life. However, every Monday between 5pm till 8pm I take a time to tell non-Christian people about Jesus. So, last Monday I share to one family and they start to come to church. Similarly, I have been travel State to States to tell about Jesus and also as evangelical speaker for Nepali Speaking People. It’s, kind difficult to working in here because of different culture but here we don't have to face trouble like back in my country.

According to John 5:24:- to win the life from death. To be a Christian is to following the word written in Colossians 3:3 -By setting our heart on above, where our God be sited. To be a Christian is to live changed life differently than other. It means, who ever become a Christian are separated people from normal non-Christian people, which state in Leviticus 20:26. Similarly, to receive eternal life in Christ where we found peace and happiness.   

After receiving Jesus as my direction to lead me to heaven, I had changed my other entire dream and decide to work for his kingdom. Also I am very glad I have been continually doing it since 1991. So, my passionate is to develop his kingdom by telling about Jesus till my death by following Matthew 28:19-20. After receiving Jesus as my direction to lead me to heaven, I had changed my other entire dream and decide to work for his kingdom. Also I am very glad I have been continually doing it since 1991. So, my passionate is to develop his kingdom by telling about Jesus till my death by following Matthew 28:19-20.

If we see in scripture in 1 Con 12:1-9, I believe my spiritual gift is lies in though categories and Holy Spirit using me for though listed things so far.   

Back in Nepal i had actively involved in planting the Church in different part of Nepal. In every year i follow the Act 1:8 and actively serving as a planter and till the date of leaving Nepal i had been planted more than Church with the help of God. Since i came here in United States i haven,t stop to planting the Church yet. Here in United states, in last four year, i had been travel more than fourteen States and planted Church in eight different Place. Similarly, I believe God want to use me as Church planter and i would always be there when ever and where ever he want to send me. According to Isaiah 6:8, i will always be there when ever he want to send me. 

There are countless role that need to obtain by Church planter but the some of them were listed below which play significant role.

According to Paul Journey, First thing is to encounter non-Christian people in his Kingdom and secondly follow up them and thirdly making disciple and leaders and teaching them the role of leaders.Similarly,doing same things to other places.

Act 18:22-23, 2Timothy 2:1-5

Mission Meeting Lexington, KY

Earthquake Rescue Team

Our Special Thanks to Pastor Purna Tamang and Matha Tamang for all your contribution to recuse Nepal Earth Quake Victims.

Damak Jhapa, Nepal Church Constructed (Pic Collection)

Saturday, January 9, 2016

प्रार्थनाको विकल्प छैन

प्रार्थनाको विकल्प छैन
आदरणीय विश्वासी जनहरुजयमसिह Û
प्रार्थनाको सट्टामा अर्को कुनै पनि विकल्प छदैछैन  प्रार्थना एउटा शक्तिशाली सेवकाइ हो  येशूले जति प्रार्थनायो संसारमा कस्ले पोग¥यो होला   प्रार्थनाको रहस्य बुझेर नै उहाँले धेरै समय प्रार्थनालाई आफ्नो जीवनको विशेष कुरा बनाउनुभयो  प्रार्थनाभित्रसबैथोक अट्न सक्छ  यो विनाको इसाई जीवन कल्पनासमे गर्न सकिन्न  येशू प्रार्थनालाई धेरै महत्वपूर्ण  प्राथमिकता दिनुभयो। पुत्र परमेश्वर जो धर्मी हुनुहुन्थ्यो  पनि उहाँले प्रार्थनालाई जिवन्त बनाउनु भयो भने हाम्रो लागि झन् कत्ति धेरै महत्वपूर्ण रआवश्यक होला  यो एक सोचनिय  मननयोग्य    प्रार्थना यो पक्कै पनि आत्मिक जीवनको लागि मात्र नभइ भौतिक जीवनलाईसमेत सजिव पार्ने अक्सिजन हो  आत्मिक युद्धको लागि तालिम  निर्देशन प्राप्त गर्ने महान् अवसरचाहिँ साँचो प्रार्थना   पितापुत्रर पवित्रआत्मासँगको समिपताले पक्कै पनि हामीलाई रापीलो  बनाउछ नै  त्यसको अलवा उहाँसँगको संगति  प्रार्थनाको वेदीनिर्माण गर्दछ  दिनप्रतिदिन उहाँसँगको भेटघाटबाचचि  कुराकानीले हामीलाई नजिक पु¥याउँछ  जब हामी येशूको नजिकहुन्छौ तब उहाँको स्वभाव  गुण हामीमा सर्दछ  उहाँ  उहाँको कामलाई बुझ्न सजिलो हुनेछ  हाम्रो प्रतिष्ठा बढ्दछ  हामीलाईडर त्रासको सटामा ख्रीष्टमा सहासी बनाउछ  हामी जसको बढी नजिक छौ हामी पनि त्यस्तै बन्न पुग्छौ  हामीले हाम्रो जीवनमासबभन्दा बढी नजिक कसलाई वा केलाई राखेका छौं  त्यो धेरै महत्वपूर्ण हुन्छ  यदि हामीले येशू प्रभुलाई नजि राखेकाछौ भनेपक्कै तपाईं सफल  विजयी हुनुहुन्छ  यो  नववर्ष 2016 देखि हाम्रो जीवनलाई प्रार्थनाको जीवन बनाcf}+ 

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​Letter From Finance Director Birendra Kalikotey

“May the Lord, the God of Israel, under whose wings you have come to take refuge, reward you fully for what you have done”. Ruth 2:12.

Dear Reluctant Donner

You are extremely appreciated and highly exulted for your gracious financial living gift for the remaining

survivors of Nepal from Massive Quakes. “Love the Lost “always remembers and prays for your ministry

and business too now and then.

Thanks a lot for your loving heart towards the Lost Nations.

Director                                                                          Financial Director

Purna Tamang                                                                Birendra Kalikotey                                      

176 Imperial Dr.                                                             1047 Lake Ave.

Amherst, NY 14226                                                         Rochester, NY 14613